* You are in a room. The words are chair and table. We know, in the atomic world, that the chair and table are moving - their atoms are in constant motion. And so we can say that the letters that make up the chair and the table are also in flux.
The material of alphabet is letters/images - the material of a letter/image is line & curve & angle & shape, etc - an expression of both intuition and mathematics. It’s our way of assigning purposeful drawing to represent some kind of imperative utterance. We remain primitive. We hoodwink ourselves into thinking this sophisticated and controlled filter of herding letters into words is advancement. Our letters remain primitive and we cannot be separated from that beauty. No matter how many words we make to disguise this.
We are suffocating from the excess of word that surrounds us. We are being held hostage by the frantic compulsion to place letters into a huddle and then manipulate and construct them into words. We seek escape from this word derived onslaught. We are drawn to the alphabetic (pre) ascendance and (post) disintegration of the word - not the word itself. It is the letter that offers the quiet. It is the singular letter that is a point of rumination, the staring locus